You need to run a fruitful blog and make a living on the web. Furthermore, I don’t fault you. It’s something astounding to do.

Nonetheless, throughout the long term that I have been working on the web, I have seen that a ton of the genuine advantages of publishing content to a blog are missed by many.

The cash may be the explanation you start, yet what will spur you for quite a long time to come will presumably be something different.

Page Contents

Writing for a blog Is Better Than Any “Standard” Job

1. You Can Earn However Much You Want To Earn

2. There Are So Many Ways To Earn Money

3. Writing for a blog Never Gets Boring

4. You Can Work Anywhere

5. The People You Meet Are Amazing

It is safe to say that you are Motivated Now?

Writing for a blog Is Better Than Any “Standard” Job

It’s in every case better to understand what you are getting into, so I need to share a portion of the reasons why I love writing for a blog to such an extent.

Here is a rundown to keep you dealing with your blog and living the online dream, in any event, when difficult situations arise!


1. You Can Earn However Much You Want To Earn

Something that truly used to irritate me when I was “working” professionally was asking for a little compensation rise every year. It was consistently something very similar, regardless of where I worked. Regardless of whether I had worked my butt off (and typically I did), I would in any case infrequently get in excess of a couple of percent raise. That is only the manner in which it works.

Obviously, you can find another line of work or go for an advancement, yet this is harder to do and doesn’t occur that regularly.

With contributing to a blog, and the online world when all is said in done, the control is all yours. Need to work longer hours, or harder and more astute? You can procure much more!

Simply investigate this current blog’s month to month income – December 2016 was roughly $35,000. This is higher than a large number of the yearly pay rates recorded previously!

Furthermore, in the event that you choose to recruit some assistance, or complete more and extend your writing for a blog domain, nobody is preventing you from procuring much more.

It is dependent upon you what you do, what you procure, and at last what your pay will be.

How astonishing is that?

2. There Are So Many Ways To Earn Money

Numerous Ways To Earn Money Online

At the point when you consider publishing content to a blog, you presumably envision composing blog entries. Be that as it may, in the event that you need to bring in genuine cash with your blog, you should broaden your revenue sources. This implies expanding the expansiveness of what you do.

It likewise implies confronting bunches of difficulties and changes, and adjusting quick. However, the advantages are enormous.

You won’t ever get exhausted with “old news”. What’s more, what’s more, you sort of will pick what you center around most.

Nobody is there to mention to you what should be done, or what course “the organization” is zeroing in on this moment. That is totally dependent upon you.

Along these lines, in the event that you need to begin bringing in more cash from encouraging what you know (since you love to instruct), pull out all the stops! Or then again perhaps you need to sell your insight as an assistance, assisting different bloggers or independent companies to work with WordPress, web-based media, or whatever else you are acceptable at.

To help kick you off, you should look at this post from Harsh for certain good thoughts. Furthermore, if those are sufficiently not, here are more than 100 different ways I found to begin bringing in cash on the web, the vast majority of which are incredible augmentations or side advantages to possessing a blog.

Anything is possible for you when you’re a blogger. Here are hand-picked bring in cash publishing content to a blog articles to peruse straightaway:

Step by step instructions to Make Money Blogging (The Practical Guide)

Would you be able to bring in cash without Google AdSense?

How to bring in cash from a blog without running commercials?

Blogging Full Time Vs. Part Time • BloggingTips.Guru

3. Publishing content to a blog Never Gets Boring

Publishing content to a blog Never Gets Boring

Indeed, you can pick what you need to do. However, you will likewise learn like you have never learned.

Contributing to a blog, and working on the web all in all, requires such a changed range of abilities that it will take your breath away.

You need to master such countless abilities to blog, including (however not restricted to):

Running a site.

Composing blog entries.

Working with web-based media.

Utilizing an assortment of online programming (pictures, email programming, investigation).

Working and teaming up with individuals.

Overseeing, recruiting, and rethinking.

The things I need to learn and zero in on appear to never end. Truth be told, as your blog develops and what you are really going after changes, the rundown of abilities you need to have develops and changes.

Fatigue isn’t something I disapprove of any longer!

You will find out more, quicker, and better than you at any point would at a particular employment since you set out every one of the open doors for development.

17 great reasons to start a blog

4. You Can Work Anywhere

The People You Meet Are Amazing

I start work when I get up… following a 1-minute drive (from my room)!

I stop when I need.

I enjoy a reprieve and go out to shop or go to the exercise center at whatever point I feel like it.

You got it. I telecommute.

As a blogger, you can as well.

The incredible thing about eliminating your connection to a task and an area is the opportunity it brings. Having the option to work at home, or elsewhere you like, is typically the principal thing that rings a bell.

I regularly work when I am seeing family in Australia (I live in Europe), or in any event, when I am out and about voyaging. It doesn’t make any difference. My PC is my office.

Perhaps you have little youngsters or a canine that necessities strolling each day. Wouldn’t telecommuting make your life a ton simpler (and less expensive – less fuel, less canine walker costs, and so forth)?

That is only one situation. I bet you have your own reasons why working from anyplace is quite great.

Attempt it and you’ll know!

5. The People You Meet Are Amazing

The People You Meet Are Amazing

At the point when you are doing what you love, you will in general draw in similar individuals. That is one of the colossal advantages of contributing to a blog and working autonomously.

My entire standpoint has changed, and with it, so has my circles.

I currently search for and spend time with individuals who see how I think and what I do. Actually that well, I love discussing groundbreaking thoughts, learning new things, and simply being encircled by individuals with enthusiasm.

At the point when I was at my “customary” work, it was normally the inverse. Indeed, a few group adored their positions, yet it was the exemption, not the standard. What’s more, this is definitely not a rousing method to spend most of your life; exhausted and deadened.

At the point when you do what you love, your life won’t ever go back.

Is it accurate to say that you are Motivated Now?

As I said toward the beginning of this article, you may have gotten into this publishing content to a blog game to bring in some cash, however there is quite a lot more to it.

Do what you need, when you need, and with a compensation that you decide. Also, never get exhausted doing likewise old thing that individuals who don’t care for how they do wind up doing such countless years.

Likewise read:

There is some difficult work to be done, including some hard days or weeks to push through, yet in the event that you like the sound of these thoughts… continue going!

What’s more, I will see you, writing for a blog, on the opposite side!

What are your #1 things about being a blogger?

What assists you with remaining propelled when hard times arise?

Allow me to hear your considerations in the remarks underneath!

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Article by

 Aakesh Aainan

All Rights Reserved

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Published by heyyounotyou447

Hello, I’m Aakesh Aainon, a professional Lawyer, professor as well as a senior blogger. Basically, I am a writer, speaker, teacher and an adventure seeker. Fueled by my passion for people, places and new experiences. I help other creatives like me, create amazing, unforgettable, passionate brand experiences. online and offline strive to redefine what it means to be an online professional by collaborating with others.

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